
Kyle Post "PostMaster"

Co-founder and Community Engagement and Marketing — The dynamic community manager and athletic program creator for Stickbug. Kyle's expertise in fostering engaging communities and his passion for developing innovative athletic programs are at the heart of Stickbug's mission to inspire and connect. With a knack for understanding the pulse of the community and a vision for incorporating athleticism into the digital realm, Kyle is revolutionizing how we interact with digital spaces. His work is not just about building connections; it's about creating experiences that motivate, challenge, and unite us. Kyle Post is truly shaping a new era for Stickbug enthusiasts everywhere.


Co-founder and Lead Project Developer and Designer — lead developer and NFT designer who blends groundbreaking blockchain technology with artistic talent. This pioneer crafts not just digital assets but immersive experiences, pushing the boundaries of what Stickbug can be. Their work captivates and challenges, marrying code with creativity in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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